When you're a construction company in a market that can't find people, you do everything you can to find folks. When you can't do it in that local market, usually you have to advertise and you look to other places in Canada first. When you can't satisfy that, then you're able to go overseas to the country of your choice. At the end of the day, we don't live in a country where you're forced to go to work, where, if you're out of work in Nova Scotia, you have to get on a plane and go and work somewhere else. If people are choosing not to go to work and to collect EI instead, there's not too much we can do about that. We have a market economy.
But if you're a company and you're searching for workers and you do your due diligence, you have to do what you have to do. If you have a contract with Suncor, Syncrude, or CNRL to build their upgrader, and you need 4,000 workers to do it, and that local labour market can only supply you with 3,600, well, you'd better start looking around to find those other 400. So you can start looking in other places in Canada, or you can look in the U.S., or you can go anywhere in the world. But money waits for no one. These companies are all working in a market economy, so it's a huge scramble. We're trying to find a system that makes sense.
I don't know if I answered your question.