Based on what you know, should they discover they have a passion for something, is it easy for them to access training in it? I will give you a very simple example. I had an intern less than two years ago who loved handling the computing in connection with a project I was in charge of, but waited three years before enrolling in a technical trade school because it cost $12,000. There was nothing in the private sector allowing for his learning the skill, unless he had the academic background he didn’t have.
Consequently, collectively we lost a young man over a matter of $12,000. He had to wait three years before he could complete his training. Today he is working quite nicely. He makes a salary of approximately $35,000. Had he done this three years before, and had access to training, his productivity would not have been suspended over an amount of $12,000. The young people you focus on, the drop-outs, do they manage to get into places where they can learn a trade? If not, do they have difficulty accessing these resources?