It's nice to hear Mr. Beatty talk about the “working while on claim” program and the best 14 weeks program, which we started in 2005. Those mechanisms are not just about social assistance. They are also about economic development. Usually people just go crazy if I actually talk about economic development and employment insurance in the same line. Actually, Mr. Wilson touched on it earlier when he talked about the backbone of an economy.
I'll use one example, which is in my riding, in Bonavista North, which is based around a Beothic fishery that is struggling to find itself on a year-round basis. It wants to be, but the problem is that the world market in seafood now is dictated by.... That's the best way I can explain it. It doesn't go the full year. What happens is that the companies that live from the employment created by the fish plant are the ones operating longer. Therefore, they are forced from the fish plant over to the other place. It's culinary. It can happen that way.
Some of the logic just does not apply here. It's hard for these smaller communities to stay in the game. If you blindly go into what the government's proposing right now, a black and white situation.... In other words, if you've applied for EI more than twice, and I can guarantee you that 99% of the workforce there has done this—