We just had the opening of the French adult education school in Lac-Simon, which is near the Val d'Or area, and we're working on an English adult education centre. So basically all the first nations, whether they're in an urban milieu or from a community, are going to provincial adult education centres. I would say that they're probably still at 60% graduation.
The challenge with us is that they're often below grade 3 education, so moving them through adult education to get to vocational training, the centre that Ms. Desjardins was talking about, is long and costly. We lose a lot of students because of that—the moving around, the trying to integrate into the urban from a community, or the urbans struggling to make ends meet with what allowances we can give them. You know, we're always trying to spread the money, but it's getting thinner and thinner over the years.
So we do still have challenges.