Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Good morning ministers, deputy ministers, directors general. Thank you all for being here today.
I'm delighted with this legislation, and I want to tell you why.
One of the first meetings I had in my constituency office as a newly elected MP in Streetsville was with the father of a young child who had been diagnosed with a critical illness. He knew about the election campaign commitment we had made and was delighted that we had obviously formed a government that could implement those changes. I'm just thrilled. He's contacted me and he's delighted. His daughter is well now, but they had a very difficult time in their life, and the ability for his wife to have taken EI benefits to be able to be with the child would have made a huge difference to their family. So I'm just thrilled that we are dealing with this piece of legislation today.
I'll start with Minister Raitt.
Minister, I've noticed the legislation does outline different maximum durations for each of the three different unpaid leaves: in the case of murdered children, 104 weeks; missing children, 52 weeks; and critically ill children, 37 weeks.
Can you elaborate, Minister, for the committee why these different durations were established and what the methodology was behind those three different qualification periods?