I'd agree with what she has said.
I have found over the years that I've received letters from people saying that their company tells them they can come back when they get reorganized. Then they discover that everything keeps going down, down, down—a partner leaves, or something—and they have to go on welfare. They are told that they can no longer accept that deal with their company. They have to give up everything. As well, sometimes a child cannot return to school because the child is immune-depressed. This makes it very difficult.
Charities, yes, are wonderful. Churches and all the different charities have been fantastic, coming into gear and raising some funds, but it's also a matter of the very beginning, I feel, and this is where the government bill comes in handy. These people have been independent. These people, or a lot of them, haven't taken any charity, and they'll say they wish they had a little time to adjust to the financial situation and appreciate the charity that they are getting.
This would be very, very helpful.