Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to correct something that was said on the other side a few moments ago. You're not just here to listen to us preach to you about the meaning of the law; we want to listen to you. This is one of the places where these laws can actually get amended, can get changed, can get made better. We want to hear from you, and we have heard from you, in great detail, about some of the ways that the law may not solve certain problems. We want to hear about ways that it can be amended and about what issues are out there beyond the ones that are dealt with directly in this legislation, so thank you very much for being here and thank you for giving us that advice.
There was a statement made by Ms. Loblaw that 70% of people are actually turned down. One of the things we're concerned about is the method in which this legislation will be implemented by Service Canada and whether or not they have the expertise to actually administer this thing. They don't have first-hand knowledge of social work. They are not social workers. Service Canada agents are merely interpreting the legislation. The minister has apparently said that a specialist will be the one who decides.
Is that how Ronald McDonald House decides?