Clause 221 concerning proposed section 196 is where we actually set down the new method for calculating holiday pay. As was explained during the overview, there will be two systems, one general and one for commission-paid employees.
The general system will be that employees will be entitled to one-twentieth of the wages earned in the four-week period preceding the week of the holiday. Just to be clear, wages in this case include not only salary and hourly wages but any vacation pay, any previous general holiday pay in that period, etc., so it's any earnings in that particular context, excluding overtime pay.
For commission-paid employees, this will be averaged over a 12-week period. Again, maybe just an element to add is that this would apply only to commission-paid employees who have at least 12 weeks of service. The reason for that is that otherwise they might actually average over a longer period even though they haven't worked 12 weeks, so we just want to make sure they are not disadvantaged. If they don't have 12 weeks of service, they will be covered by the general rule, which is the average over four weeks.
That is for proposed subsections 196(1) and 196(2). I'm not sure if there were questions on that.