Good morning, Mr. Chair.
I'm here in my capacity today as chair of the CCDA, which is the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship. In my day job I'm also the director of apprenticeship and occupational certification in the Province of New Brunswick. Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to speak about the CCDA and the provincial and territorial apprenticeship systems in Canada.
I'd like to add that while I'm here as the chair of CCDA, I do not speak for individual jurisdictions.
The CCDA sees great value in the committee's study on economic opportunities for young apprentices. Apprenticeship is a proven means to develop a mobile and highly skilled workforce. It leads to good, in-demand jobs and contributes to Canada's productivity and competitiveness.
The CCDA is responsible for the management and delivery of the interprovincial standards program, also known as the Red Seal program. I left a pin with the Red Seal logo in front of each of you so you'll see what it looks like. Through the Red Seal program interprovincial standard exams are developed and maintained for what are today 55 Red Seal trades, standards known as national occupational analyses, or NOAs. I've left a copy of an NOA with the clerk for your information, in both English and French. They describe what skilled workers must know and be able to do to be competent in a Red Seal trade. The CCDA collaborates with industry to facilitate the development of a skilled trades labour force and the mobility of this labour force in Canada. The development of common interprovincial competency standards promotes greater harmonization of provincial and territorial apprenticeship training and certification programs.
CCDA is comprised of all provincial and territorial apprenticeship authorities, as well as representatives from Human Resources and Skills Development, or HRSDC. The role of HRSDC includes providing secretariat research and strategic support to the CCDA. It also coordinates the development of Red Seal standards, exams, and curriculum guides. I've left a sample of an interprovincial program guide with the clerk as well, in French and English, for your information.
Each year, national occupational analyses for about a dozen trades are updated or developed. In addition, about 40 new exams are developed and released each year. A rigorous process is followed to develop these products, in close collaboration with industry. Red Seal standards and resource materials such as interprovincial curriculum guides, Red Seal examination preparation material and essential skills resources are available on the Red Seal Web site,
The CCDA is in an effective intergovernmental voluntary partnership and is a collegial forum for effective collaboration and exchange on issues relating to the Red Seal and apprenticeship in general. As an organization the CCDA does not have regulatory powers regarding training and certification in the skilled trades; however, the individual directors of apprenticeship and their organizations hold that authority through various provincial and territorial legislation.
Through the Red Seal program, CCDA has supported labour mobility and a high standard of qualification in the skilled trades for over half a century, starting in 1952. Decades before the Agreement on Internal Trade, AIT, governments met with the aim to promote labour mobility through developing interprovincial industry-certified standards for workers in the skilled trades. The first Red Seal in Canada was actually issued in New Brunswick in 1959 for motor vehicle repair. Since that time, over half a million Red Seal endorsements have been awarded, and over 25,000 qualified tradespersons receive the Red Seal endorsement every year.
On average, around 47,000 Red Seal exams are written annually, both by completing apprentices and those who have experience in a trade and meet the eligibility requirements, what we call trade qualifiers. These are folks who work in industry but never completed an apprenticeship program but have the time and experience to challenge the exam. They would include foreign-trained workers.
The amended labour mobility chapter of the AIT provided the CCDA with an opportunity to consider the Red Seal program in a new and broader context. Under chapter 7, provinces and territories must now recognize each other's trade certificates with or without red seal. To give you an illustration of that, here is a certificate of qualification from New Brunswick. You can see the Red Seal, which looks very similar to the pin I gave you. That would be a Red Seal version. This would be the exact same thing, but there's no Red Seal. The point there is that with the AIT, everyone will recognize this, but there is still the option to have one with a Red Seal on it. I'll leave these with the clerk for your information. They're in both languages.
Trade certificates bearing the Red Seal are automatically recognized, typically both with governments and employers. Chapter 7 recognized the Red Seal program as a well-established means of developing common standards for the trades. While no longer the sole guarantor of mobility in Canada, the Red Seal endorsement is considered a prestigious credential and an industry-endorsed standard of excellence for the skilled trades. Many employers will ask for the Red Seal endorsement because industry recognizes and trusts that tradespersons are qualified to a high interprovincial standard.
Other advantages of achieving Red Seal endorsement include enhanced employability and improved chances of advancement. There are a variety of examples of Red Seal tradespeople who've gone on to become leaders, provincially, territorially, and nationally.
CCDA is committed to ensuring that the Red Seal program continues to be responsive to labour market needs. Over the past three years, CCDA has been engaged in the strengthening the Red Seal initiative. Supporting the Red Seal exam, the initiative is designed to enhance skills assessment through the exploration of an enhanced standards model and multiple forms of assessment. Right now everyone in Canada writes a version of the same multiple choice Red Seal exam if they have achieved a certificate with one of those red seals on it.
Multiple assessment methods may be particularly beneficial to domestic or foreign-trained tradespeople, who did not go through a formal apprenticeship program or for whom a written exam may present a challenge unrelated to their competency. Between 2009 and 2011, CCDA gathered information to inform the strengthening of the Red Seal initiative through national in-person consultation sessions and engaged over 300 stakeholders. There was also an online survey that focused on exploring additional forms of assessment, such as practical tests, portfolio reviews, and competency conversations. Over 1,300 stakeholders responded to that survey. CCDA also tested the concept of multiple assessments through pilot projects in four provinces in two Red Seal trades—cook and heavy-duty equipment technician.
Based on the results of these consultations and pilots, CCDA is now conducting research to help identify an optimal format and development process for enhanced national standards for the Red Seal program. This would support the development of multiple ways of assessing candidates. The enhanced standard would still rely heavily on industry input. In order to determine next steps for this initiative, CCDA is conducting a cost analysis that will help determine the feasibility of adopting multiple assessments in the provinces and territories. The results are expected in the winter of 2013.
The CCDA works in close collaboration with HRSDC to identify and address the information and research needed to strengthen the Red Seal program and inform decision making. For example, through the CCDA’s research committee, HRSDC has worked with Statistics Canada to help develop survey content on youth perceptions, awareness and exposure as regards the skilled trades, using the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment, or PISA. PISA is an international survey that collects direct measures of student ability.
Results of the 2012 PISA will be released by Statistics Canada in late 2013. This initiative will contribute to CCDA’s research on youth apprenticeship and entry level issues.
The CCDA and HRSDC recently completed a comprehensive research initiative based on the 2007 National Apprenticeship Survey, which collected detailed information on the experiences of apprentices before, during and after their training. One of the findings of the research was that, while there is a moderate level of awareness of apprenticeship in high school, with six out of ten respondents being aware of apprenticeship, it is often not a first career choice.
Apprenticeships in the Red Seal program are industry-driven. Stakeholder involvement is crucial to realizing the vision of the Red Seal program as a program of choice based on the value it represents to industry, apprentices, and participating jurisdictions. CCDA has increased its emphasis on stakeholder engagement. Annual round table meetings with national apprenticeship stakeholders have been held to seek input on strategic directions for the program, and to provide updates on key initiatives such as strengthening the Red Seal and essential skills.
CCDA recently approved its new strategic directions for 2013 to 2016. These will be available on the Red Seal website once the performance measurement strategy is completed. Each of our four strategic priorities will be supported by a few selected initiatives. I'll take this opportunity to give you a brief outline for the next few years. Given the context of the evolving labour market, fiscal pressures on governments, and some of the persistent challenges to apprenticeship systems, CCDA has agreed to focus on the following four priorities: first, standards and assessments; second, harmonization; third, promotion; and finally, engagement.
On the first one, standards and assessments, work will continue on our strengthening the Red Seal initiative to develop and implement enhanced standards and explore multiple assessment approaches. That's really the bread and butter of the CCDA. I mentioned I had left copies of the national occupation analyses, interprovincial program guides, and the Red Seal exam. Those are the products we talk about, in terms of keeping those going and making them the best they can be.
The second one is harmonization. You can imagine, with 13 provinces and territories, we tend to each have our own turf and we say, “This is what we do in New Brunswick” and “This is what we do in B.C.” We're certainly looking at initiatives, including developing more common and streamlined approaches across jurisdictions for the recognition of qualifications of foreign-trained workers, exploring opportunities for greater harmonization of training, and certification requirements for skilled trades.
The next one is promotion and the creation and implementation of a new branding strategy for the Red Seal program. We'll address the need for greater awareness—and we may have a new pin for you next year—as a competitive advantage and assurance of quality.
Under engagement, the CCDA will continue to build on a constructive dialogue with national industry workers and employers through increased engagement of stakeholders in the Red Seal program. These efforts will build on the work that the CCDA and jurisdictions do on a day-to-day basis.
On behalf of the CCDA, we hope this committee's report will recommend ongoing support for the implementation of the CCDA's strategic priorities, available on our website.
Let me conclude by thanking you again for the opportunity to contribute to your study. The CCDA will continue to work to support the Red Seal program so that it remains responsive to labour market needs. The CCDA will also continue to provide a forum for interjurisdictional collaboration to facilitate the development of a certified, highly skilled and mobile trades workforce in Canada.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.