Coming from Hamilton, you have a great labour leader there, Joseph Mancinelli of Liuna. They have a great training centre and they're always looking forward to training new people. One of the challenges they have is also retention of people. That's all based upon the question of whether there's still a job when the person goes from the third year into the fourth year of apprenticeship.
In the EI situation, I think when a person is in transition waiting for the new job, it's very important to have the shortest amount of time possible before the person gets those benefits. It's very helpful in the continuation of a person's dream of becoming a carpenter, a plumber, whatever, that the support, the safety net, is there for those people. A lot of individuals working in construction have families. If they cannot put the bread and butter on the table because they can't do their construction job, they will drive a truck. They will do whatever it takes. They need that EI support, absolutely.