I'm really very excited about this project. It started out west, and we're getting really great results. That's why we were pleased to be able to help them by providing funding and expanding this program right across the country. In fact, we're putting in $6 million over the next three years.
People who get past 50 find it harder and harder to find work, partly because, in many cases, they haven't had to look for it in a long time. Facing some of the technology of today's job search can be a bit daunting. This program provides assistance with that. It's making sure, also, that employers are aware of the tremendous talent, skills, and resources that people over 50 can offer. Too often these people are written off because they're “too old”.
I've heard it said that today's 50 is the new 40. People are living longer. When they hit 50, they have a tremendous amount of experience to offer. This program matches these workers with employers who are finally recognizing the value that these people can offer. I think it's a great way to make sure that everyone's talents and skills get put to work productively. That's what we really need right now.