I think the point that's been made is quite important. With the literacy skills, particularly on the part of trade qualifiers, for example, we found in some studies that trade qualifiers do much worse on the Red Seal exams than apprentices. The success rate for apprentices is relatively high on the Red Seal exams. The success rate for trade qualifiers is much lower, and trade qualifiers, generally, are older and less educated. The notion of having some kind of program that might improve the basic literacy skills, for example, of those who are challenging the exams would be consistent with what I said earlier about emphasis on trade qualifiers.
How to do that is a bit of a trick, particularly at the federal level. Basic literacy and high school education and all that sort of thing is a matter of provincial and not federal jurisdiction. I'm not sure what the federal government could do in that area. I've made an argument that modest programs to help trade qualifiers challenge and succeed in the exams would be useful, and basic skills could well be part of these modest programs.