I'll give you my perception of the situation in Quebec. For years now, university training was extremely prized, so in the minds of young people, going to university was essential. There was a move away from skilled trades, which nevertheless remain essential in our economy. So, we need to reverse this trend. We need to value trades and promote them.
There is another issue in Quebec, which is actually a problem: not only do we need to train people in skilled trades, but that training needs to be recognized in the form of a diploma. Training is being done in major corporations, but it is not recognized. There is a lack of recognition.
Businesses and business people maintain this major myth. They believe that if they give recognition to business-based training, they will either lose their employee or be faced with pressure from employees to increase wages. Well, this is a myth.
Recent studies have shown the opposite. Training and recognizing training, in the workplace and in terms of the training actually provided, makes employees more faithful to their employer. In exchange, companies get to keep them on staff for several years.
So we need to dispel these myths. We must value on-the-job training and support these people. The goal should also be the granting of a diploma and recognition.
It can be done.