Thanks very much, Mr. Chair.
You made three references to Cape Breton in your testimony, Mr. Blakely. You have a Cape Bretoner sitting on the end, so it's a pretty good morning for the island.
Ms. Huziak, I want to commend you and recognize your reference to women training in non-traditional trades. You looped it in with the tragedy that took place 24 years ago. It was poignant. I just wanted to recognize that.
Mr. Bégin and Mr. Blakely, both of you made reference to the disconnect between the training and the interruption as one of the barriers to completing a trades training program, an apprenticeship. That's EI and the extended period of time, which has grown over the last number of years, for processing that first EI cheque. Could you just make a comment on that, Mr. Bégin, and then Mr. Blakely?