I understand.
You brought up another interesting idea. From what I understand, we are talking about opening the Red Seal program to trades in new technologies, which could be more appealing to the communities.
Could you provide us with more details about the trades? You could forward your suggestions to the clerk. I find it very interesting.
You have also raised another point and there are two other topics I would like to hear your comments on. We are noticing that trainers from ethnic communities are under-represented. It is a bit like the mystery of the chicken and the egg. Do you think that, despite the fact that we have not had a lot of success with trades among some immigrant groups and if we made an effort, there would be enough trainers from Africa, from Maghreb or other areas who could teach trades? The pool of candidates who can be recruited as trainers must be somewhat of limited.
In terms of integration, do you have any figures as to the integration challenges in rural areas? I have the numbers for some RCMs in my region where efforts have been made to recruit immigrants with trade training, but the retention rate is awfully low. An RCM attracted 12 immigrants living in Montreal to meet very specific needs in manufacturing jobs. Ten of them left the region within three years.
Do you have any figures and perhaps some possible solutions to share with us?