Thank you.
CAMO-PI has launched a number of initiatives to facilitate the recognition of foreign credentials. We have conducted an experiment that led to an integration formula for nurses and registered nursing assistants. This formula was very successful, and is helping to solve the shortage of health care workers in Quebec.
We have also set up a supervision formula for engineers who graduated abroad. This formula was studied jointly with the Faculté Polytechnique of the University of Lubumbashi and AMPE-CITI. The objective was to offer courses to those engineers to increase their chances of passing the Ordre des ingénieurs exam. This project was a success in terms of support and help in passing the exam.
However, once their diplomas are recognized, they still have to put in a lot of effort before they find a job. In this case as well, I feel that we must launch an awareness campaign to help employers understand that, very soon, immigration will become indispensable in maintaining productivity at the same level.
We are working on other formulas. Specifically in Ontario, we have noticed that, when CAMO released its three formulas for engineers, nurses and registered nursing assistants, the province had not yet started to build bridges for those people. However, in the meantime, Ontario has developed 11 bridging programs, whereas we only have three.
In short, I think that it would be beneficial to encourage all the provinces and territories to enhance their support formulas for specific categories of professionals so that their qualifications are recognized.