I have a personal interest because I have a sister with a disability. This was 25 years ago, but she was only allowed to make $40 a week or else she was going to have a clawback on her pension. She worked for $1 an hour, and if she made any more than that, she got clawed back. I would be interested to know what the policy is now or if there is a policy.
One of the other challenges she had was that she had a savings account. I was a young lad and I recall that she was saving for a new TV. As soon as they found out that she had money in a savings account, they cut off her pension until she used up her savings account. Is that still a policy?
Those types of things, I think, are very important as far as funding goes. We've worked as a government to help people over the welfare wall by allowing them a certain amount of income, and it might be a good thing for people with more severe disabilities, who maybe cannot enter the labour market where they're going to find a higher level of income. I'd be interested in that information if you could supply that too.