I do.... Well, I have a thought.
In order to run that through EI, people have to be eligible for EI. I can tell you that in our community, people are not eligible because they're not being employed at all. They don't work enough to qualify for EI.
I also want to say—and forgive me, we're People First, not the most politically savvy organization out there, so I don't know if this is cross-jurisdictional or not—that the number one factor for the people we represent to go to work is the loss of their health coverage. That's very real, and it's very scary for them. People will choose not to go to work because they can't afford to maintain their health.
We also have members who have chosen to go to work and have not been able to maintain their health. One of our founding members actually chose to go to work and died because he could not maintain his health.
This is very real for our members. This is very real for Canadians. Again, that's provincial, so I don't know if federally anything can be addressed around that issue, but I would say that this is among the top three barriers to the population we represent in terms of gaining employment in Canada.