Thank you very much.
Thanks to all of you for being here today. I really appreciate your presentations. I think even for people who don't believe that a diverse society necessarily strengthens our community, who have a rational self-interest, ought to be taking an interest in these issues, because any one of us could be disabled at a moment's notice.
I want to explore that thought a little bit. Although we don't get very solid data anymore, particularly since the suppression of the PALS, do you have a sense of whether it's easier for folks who become disabled while they're already working, whether accommodation is more readily made?
When I think about people in industrial plants, for example, who end up being injured on the job, if they have an active union, accommodation is more likely than not made for those individuals, and they're able to continue to participate in the workplace, whereas employers are much more reluctant to make those accommodations at the front end. But that's purely impressionistic, and I'd be interested in your thoughts.