Well, we've had employment equity legislation for, what, 30 or 35 years now? What kind of a dent has it really made? Not much.
Coercion doesn't work. Volunteerism doesn't work; we know that.
I really don't have a simple answer to that. What we've tried up to now has not worked.
It's interesting that you mentioned that company in eastern Ontario, because Boeing, in Winnipeg, for many, many decades was a fantastic employer for deaf people. They hired many, many deaf people to work in their noisier areas, and they did a great job.
But when Boeing started cutting down, who was the first to go? I don't know how many deaf people were thrown out of work over the past two years when Boeing downsized, but there were over 20, I know that. They are an enlightened employer, and yet it didn't stop them from cutting deaf people first.