I would like to talk a bit more about our transition program and what we specifically provide for you.
We have a very unique collaboration and partnership with the South-East Cornerstone Public School Division. Our referrals come directly from the teachers in the division, who see the program as a benefit to the students they work with.
Once a student has been referred to our program, we begin with an intake. We spend some time learning more about the student and creating goals that we'll work toward regarding their transition. Action plans have included such goals as graduation, obtaining a driver's licence, continuing to post-secondary schooling, along with various other goals in the aspect of the career world.
We also offer community-guided job searches, which have been beneficial. We'll take a student within their own community, with a resumé, after they've mastered interview and job search techniques and skills, and we'll apply for paid employment positions. We'll provide the support and encouragement as needed.
Once they've established a position in the workplace, our support doesn't end there. Our agency will provide all necessary support to them for success in their workplace, in collaboration with the employer.
Post-secondary supports are also available through our agency. We can set up everything from an information interview with counsellors at the post-secondary school of their choice, all the way through to the option of sitting in on a class or having a tour. Once they've decided on post-secondary schooling, we'll assist them with applications, student loans, dorm applications, and funding or scholarship options.
Finally, I'd like to talk about one of the most successful tools we use within our agencies. It's called PATH, which stands for planning alternative tomorrows with hope. This activity is highly visual, celebratory, and it has two facilitators who guide the activity. What we end up with is a cohesive action plan that's highly visual.
We've created countless action plans in this way, and the power behind this activity never ceases to amaze me. When you place the power in their hands and show the students what they are capable of achieving, the excitement is instant and the results are everlasting.
James has a story that began with PATH, so I'll let him tell you a bit of his story about working with our agency.