It depends on the individual, but one thing is for sure: people are extremely motivated and they're extremely geared towards getting that opportunity. It could take from four months to a year for some people, and for other people, it would be a lot less. It depends on the individual.
What we find really works is the concept of having the job developers and the job coaches working side by side at the place of employment, collaborating with the employer and the employee to help educate the employer and provide the confidence the individual needs while working. Our transition-to-work program is a large manufacturing-based environment. We run a workplace environment where people get the chance to get a simulated work environment. People are held accountable. The whole idea is to train folks. It's not the technical skills, but rather the softer skills that are so important, the transitional skills necessary to maintain a person's employment. We guide and coach folks as they go along. Some people coming into the work centre are there for three, four or five years and some are ready within a few months, and we know they'll be successful in moving on. It varies.