Thank you to all of you for being here. It's yet another wonderful group of individuals who care deeply about their clients, as you call them, who are really just persons.
One of your topics was the need to reform financial supports. We've heard that from a number of other organizations that have been here, that persons who are on ODSP, and I imagine there are similar programs in every province, when faced with the prospect of a job that doesn't include benefits are faced with a terrible choice. Often they will choose not to take the job because there is no other mechanism to support their need for medical support.
The EI system also isn't very conducive to persons with disabilities, particularly people with episodic disabilities where a person with MS, for example—I'm not sure about the developmentally delayed individuals you're dealing with—has good times and bad, but the EI system does not take that into account.
I'm probably disagreeing with you on all these things. If you want to comment further, that would be great. I'm very pleased to hear of Corbrook's success with the education system. It's too bad there isn't any provincial support for that, but perhaps there can be federal support.
I'm also very intrigued by the app you've created and the ask, which is a pretty simple ask of the federal government, to allow that app to be present on the Service Canada website so employers can have access to accessibility training or accommodation training online. It's really simple.
Can you give us a little more detail?