Jim, you walk in the same shoes, partner. You walk in the same shoes.
We are short on time, but I really appreciate your answer. I know the committee members will appreciate that as well.
What I'm hearing through the testimony is that education is critical. In your case, Rose-Marie, a professional guidance counsellor actually offered you advice that would limit your success. Obviously, that professional wasn't well educated.
I look at some of the concerns, Jacqueline, that you brought forward. You look at a bed, a job, and a friend. A lot of times things are complicated because of a police record. People with mental illness or addiction problems can have complicated backgrounds.
Is there a role for the federal government in educating the professionals who offer the advice or apply the laws? Are the people we're dealing with becoming aware of some of the intricacies of the issues you people deal with on a daily basis? Is there a role for the federal government there?