Thank you for having us here today. It's a real pleasure and honour.
I'll definitely be speaking from much less high a level, because we are the employer who does in fact hire a disabled adult, and we actually are....
I'll start with my speech so that I don't mess it all up, because otherwise I'll get going. I have to read.
I'm Jeannette Leigh. I'm here with my business partner, Gregg Moore. We are co-owners of a Volkswagen dealership in Brantford, Ontario. We have a total of 27 employees, so we're small.
We employ a young man named Norman who has been with us for three years as of March. He works three days a week with us. Norman is responsible for cleaning and tidying all areas that our customers see, plus our offices, lunchroom, technician change room, etc.
Gregg learned at a Rotary meeting about our local agency, L.Tara Hooper and Associates, who assist in employment placement for persons with disabilities. Actually it was Mark, who owns those several Tim Hortons, who was speaking. Gregg came home after the meeting, and we both loved the idea and pursued it immediately in an effort to find a solution to our five years of unsatisfactory results with various night cleaning companies at our dealership.