Thank you for the question. Yes, I have.
Peel's numbers are pretty comparable to the transportation numbers across Canada. In Peel, what I've been told is that 90% of the ride cost is subsidized by the government. The user only pays 10% of the cost. If a ride on accessible transportation on average costs $35 per ride, and if you even very conservatively take two rides a day—simply going to and from work is two rides—that means you are subsidizing that rider to the tune of $450 each week. Over 52 weeks that subsidy is $23,660. If a vehicle lasts five to six years—let's use five years—during that five years, if that person is not using their vehicle, you're subsidizing accessible transportation for that person at $118,000.
I'm simply asking you to take a look at that. Through a tax credit, if you reimburse that one-year cost to an individual who, to become employable and retain employment, is willing to purchase and drive their own vehicle, you'd still save close to $90,000 even if the vehicle lasts five years. I stretch my vehicle to seven or eight years, whatever I can, and I maintain it. That's a significant saving. You're also taking a disadvantage, or disincentive, from people, because when they look at their net income and it's so low compared to the people who don't need those services, a lot of people with disabilities say, “Why don't I stay on ODSP and not have all these income inequalities?”
You're taking the disincentive, but I think in the long run, as the population is aging, you'll be seeing more and more people who are not able to drive, so you'll need to address the needs of those people through accessible transportation. But whoever can manage their own driving, or hire somebody to drive a personal vehicle, at the end you will be saving money for the people who are aging and will definitely need that accessible transportation.
I'm not saying everybody will be able to benefit from this tax credit, but for people who can, it eventually will be a saving for the government and will increase employability. Also people will be able to manage their lifestyle and that of their families.
I'm a caregiver to my mom who's 78 years old. I need to drive her. I need to drive my 12-year-old to soccer games and other things. So you're also making me a productive adult who has many roles to play in society.
Does that answer your question?