Constituents I talk to and who come in and see me say there is this issue about them re-entering or there's a downsizing in a business they work for, but they're not ready to retire yet. It would be nice to see us drill down a little bit more on those opportunities for individuals, what they are doing and how they're returning. Are they returning on contract work, or are they becoming self-employed?
I had a gentleman in my office last week and that's the route he's taking. He is going to offer his expertise as a consultant, because he had worked for a large insurance company for many years. They had downsized. He's doing that. It would be kind of neat to know what the dynamics of re-entering the workforce are for people in that age group.
They're not ready to retire for whatever reason. You've mentioned many reasons, and many just want to keep working. They have lots to give. They're young. People are living longer, and retiring at 60 or 65 is just not on for a lot of people. They would rather keep engaged in the workforce.
My last question, Mr. Chairman—I know we're running out of time—is in regard to surveying employers. How much is that done, and have you done any surveying of employers to get some of their trends and attitudes around this demographic shift in the age of workers, and of their attitude towards employing people who may have never worked for them but now they're ready to hire somebody who is 55?
Have you been able to do any surveying around that or get any labour market information from the employer perspective about their views of older workers?