Let me follow up on that with you. You're reversing, in fact, earlier testimony today from the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association. The head of their association talked about a 2.8% take-up needed for temporary foreign workers, primarily in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, which represented 90% of the TFWs out there. I think you'd need to reconcile that with other associations, not just your own numbers.
I’ll move on to talk about what you would say in my area of the country, southwestern Ontario. It is largely agricultural and traditionally, going back decades, has relied on low-skilled labourers because Canadians will not take the jobs in the harvest. They will not take the jobs in the tobacco harvest or the other food harvests that occur in my part of the country. There has always been this need. In fact, it goes back generations. There are generations of families, typically from the Caribbean, who come for the harvest.
What do you say to the farmers in my part of the country when you say, “You'll face, one day, not being able to have that low-skilled labour arrive”?