I think a number of things can be done to address the circumstances of workers in those industries.
For starters, there is the issue of the consideration of severance under EI. To facilitate better re-employment, that is, a better labour market adjustment process, as opposed to simply the quickest outcome, which may not be optimal in terms of re-employment prospects for workers who match their capabilities and their potential contribution, there can be measures taken to ensure that severance payments are not expended or exhausted prior to EI benefits being available.
With respect to the government's targeted initiative toward older workers that is intended to address circumstances like this, as we say, expanding those targeted labour market adjustment initiatives that provide job search assistance services to displaced workers we believe would have a significant impact as well, if it's expanded beyond the current window of workers to those 45 to 54 years old, as well as older workers.
But I also think there need to be mechanisms to provide early intervention, because the prospects for re-employment and avoiding long-term unemployment are much greater with early intervention. The targeted initiative doesn't currently do that. I think there's much more that could be done in addressing these circumstances.