We have some of the best researchers in health human resources here in Canada, and that's recognized in those other countries. But they have created an organization that really capitalizes on their research expertise and their knowledge. The research expertise is not just in the universities; it's in the stakeholder organizations as well.
The thing is that there's this allergic reaction to doing any centralized planning around health care delivery, because yes, it is a provincial jurisdiction.
But just getting back to the comment before about the $75 million that was provided to instigate some initiatives around internationally educated health professionals, the provincial stakeholders said without that money we would not have been able to do these things that we're doing.
I think there is an appetite to have a better coordinated response, because you have one province stealing from another province. So there's interprovincial jurisdiction or competition as much as there is international recruitment. I think someone just has to take the bull by the horns and do this.