Our recommendations don't come without recognition of the work of the Government of Canada towards supporting indigenous success. You've heard about ASETS; I applaud that. You've heard about the strategic partnerships fund through which we receive support; I applaud that. And I applaud the aboriginal peoples program through Heritage Canada. These are welcome initiatives and should continue.
So also should the commitment of this committee to seek out advice on how to support indigenous success in the workforce. Please know that your work is timely. It is time to look at this issue not as a problem but as an opportunity to invest in success, an opportunity to grow real-life indigenous youth who are ready success stories, like the young men and women we have supported who are now returning to their communities to work in the trades, or as doctors, or as nurses, or as lawyers. They're remarkable examples; they tell me that with proper supports our indigenous youth are capable of anything they set their minds to.
Be bold in your work. Don't focus on the historical inequities alone that are faced by indigenous peoples; we know what they are. Instead, envision a Canada that includes the full and equal participation of first nations, Inuit, and Métis people in our workforce. Put results first. Avoid the politics. But most of all, believe that this can be done. I know it can.
Niawen gowa for listening to my words. I'm delighted to answer any questions you may have.