Thank you very much.
I want to thank all the witnesses for being here today at such short notice. As you know, we believe that this bill is significant and that its study warranted a lot more time than is being allocated here with only two meeting times and two and a half hours for witnesses. Out of that, let me tell you that members of Parliament have only 44 minutes—44 minutes— to ask the six witnesses the myriad of questions we have. As well, you've had very little time to put your perspective forward. But this is what happens when the majority gets its way.
The NDP was afforded the opportunity to have only three witnesses before this committee today—only three—but I want you to know that we had to disappoint many: 27 others are being restricted by not being here. That number is not an exaggeration. We've submitted all names of organizations, unions, and individuals to the clerk. I heard earlier that Unifor had never asked to present. Well, they did ask to present to this committee. I want to be very, very clear about that. All of these organizations want to express their grave concerns and outrage, frankly, over the bill. We did submit all 30 names, as I said. But that's a majority government for you.
Since my time has been extremely limited, I will begin with my first question to Mr. Yussuff and Mr. Roberts.
Can you tell me what the normal process is to amend labour law federally, and do you consider the politicization of labour relations in this bill to be appropriate?