The question is amendments that we would wish to see to this bill. First, I think we would prefer to see the threshold for the filing of an application for certification or decertification remain where it is.
Critically, as I think it's been touched on by other witnesses, we think it is absolutely crucial that the outcome of any vote conducted be determined by a majority of the actual ballots cast, and that we eliminate the possibility that a non-vote could count as a “no” vote. That's just fundamentally undemocratic and unfair, in our view.
Another very important amendment, I think, would be to address the problem that we see in the amendment to the Public Service Labour Relations Act, where in fact despite what we've heard about majoritarian principles, we see a tyranny of the minority in that amendment, where a mere 45% of voters can decertify a union. We're completely at a loss to understand how that could be consistent with any democratic notion whatsoever.