Another point besides intimidation is the issue of coordination between the labourers and workers in the firms, the employees, and the employer, developing an absence of conflict in firms in favour of a better....
My last comment is that union representation is not the only way by which workers or employees can be represented within firms. New management methods in fact call for diverse forms of labour representation in firms, which may be much more efficient in terms of protecting the rights of workers than was the case in the traditional union-employer conflicts.
My last point would be that in 2009—and I think Mr. Chera may have made reference to this—the Leger Marketing poll showed that 71% of people in Quebec—this was a Quebec-based survey—supported a secret ballot system, and among those people who were members of unions, 80% supported a secret ballot requirement to certify or decertify a union, and therefore there seems to be an important aspect in terms of the democratic process.
Thank you very much.