Yes, certainly. Thank you for the question.
We administer the Aboriginal Business Canada program, the ABC program, and as an aboriginal financial institution, we have a loan fund there as well, the Makigiaqvik loan fund.
What we would do if a client comes in, or we identify opportunities, we would start working with the client. In a lot of cases, we work from the very beginning, helping them with their business plan, helping them with a feasibility study. We have a small grant program, the Sivummut fund. It's a parent claims dollars. We give a grant to assist them with a feasibility study, with a business plan, and that sort of thing. Then we start working with other organizations, Baffin Business Development Corporation—organizations like that—and with Economic Development and Transportation, Government of Nunavut, and we start leveraging funding from other organizations to assist them to either start their business or to purchase a business, for example. Then we would move to the aftercare phase, where our staff would assist them with the operations, with their accounting processes, and that sort of thing.