Thank you for the questions. I have a number of points to make.
First, there is a concern right now in colleges that if the funding comes from a reallocation of the funding of the labour market agreement this would be a problem. A good part of that funding in fact goes to persons with disabilities, aboriginal people, and older workers, and this would prevent the training from being offered to those people, whether it is in upgrading or in development of skills.
Second, there is a concern right now that if the focus is on short-term training and that the training is not credentialized, if you will, the people who would benefit from that training would not get credits for it and where would it lead?
Third, what is needed really is flexibility in approach. I believe that with the recent announcement by Minister Kenney flexibility for the needs of the different provinces and territories will be ensured.
One of the things we insist on with respect to the Canada job grant is there's a need to ensure that essential skills will be also be covered in that, because what's the purpose if you develop the skills but you're not able to work as a team, or you're not computer literate, and you don't have those essential skills?
Thank you.