Yes. We do go into the high schools when we get the opportunity. As I said earlier, the cost of travelling is humongous in Iqaluit and in Nunavut as a whole, so we can't go to every school in every community. That's not practical. However, we do go to the regional centres, and that's often where a lot of the kids end up coming anyway. When they have a career fair, a lot of the kids from the outlying communities will come there as well. Whenever there are career fairs or other opportunities.... In fact, next week we'll be at the Iqaluit high school, and we'll be talking to them about our program as well.
You have to remember that we can't really take anybody under the age of 18 years. That's mandated by Transport Canada. They're the boss and they say no, and that's good, because you know what? You need a level of maturity to be able to be away from home. You have to have cut the apron strings, and we find that generally that's not at 18, but at 25 at least.