I'm not sure I understand the question.
What we have is a pre-training program. That's a two-week program that basically introduces a student to what the fishing industry is all about. We talk about all sorts of things, including lifestyle, etc. We look at their numeracy skills. We do all kinds of assessments with them. It gives us a chance to screen whether they're a person who would be suited for the industry, and it gives them a chance to look at it and ask themselves if they really want to do it.
The number of people who come through the pre-training program and move on to pre-T is not so much related to ability as it is to interest. Some people who come in may think that they want to be fishermen, that it's what they want to do. Then they find out what it's really all about and they say, “No, thank you.” As for the number of people who go from the pre-training to the next class, probably 80% of them do.