Our accountability is straight across the board, from financial accountability.... My personal philosophy is that at the end of the day, I'm a taxpayer, so if that expense is not something I would be comfortable with, then it's not happening. I do that with any kind of funding we get through the program. It's not just the federal funding. It's the same thing for other types of program funding. In terms of financial accountability, that's very important. To me, if you don't have that....
I have another little mantra, which is, follow the money and then you'll find out what happens. If you're following the money and it's going to good training, then it's good; it's money well spent.
The other part of accountability is the job part. If we're doing training just for the sake of training, that's not being accountable, in my view. In my view, that's just not doing anything. There's no purpose to that.
The other thing I should mention is that not everybody who goes to work out of our programs takes even a pre-training program. Not everybody goes to the fishing industry, but they go to a lot of other sectors, because they've just developed some confidence and they say, “Gee, I can learn.” I track those results as well, because I think they're important.