There are a lot of questions there, and there are a couple of key words.
On commitment, first of all, certainly we have a first nations and Métis relations policy. It's a board-level policy, and our board is very dedicated to that policy. You may be familiar with some of our board members. Our chairman is Jake Epp. He used to be a minister of Indian affairs and is very dedicated to the program. More recently, Roberta Jamieson is now a member of our board. We definitely have a lot of strong support at the top of the house.
The other word I use is “link”. We actually started what we call link committees down in the Clarington area. We have a potential project on the horizon called Darlington refurb. There are about 30,000 person-years of employment that will happen as part of that construction project; it's over 15 years going forward. About 20% of those are going to be apprentices. We've reached out to the aboriginal communities in the area, the Williams Treaties first nations—there are about six of them—and to the aboriginal communities in Toronto so that they can take advantage of these opportunities.
What the link committees are doing at this point in time is bringing the youth to the table, bringing the first nations to the table, and bringing industry to the table so that we can start talking about the opportunities. As part of that conversation, other industries have now started to say they want to join the link committees. OPG just produces electricity, but Hydro One is a company that transmits electricity in Ontario. They're looking at joining. We're looking at other industry partners to come in to share in that and build a body of demand for jobs. Then supply is coming from the first nations.
Where I see a deficit is both up in the Moose Cree area and down in the Darlington and other areas. There seems to be a disconnect between the actual administrative arm of chiefs and councils and these AHRDAs, aboriginal human resources development agreements, or ASETAs. There doesn't seem to be very good communication between those two. We definitely need that communication. We've reached out to the first nations and are trying to facilitate a dialogue between the first nations chiefs and councils, and the ASETAs.