First of all, we support and encourage any process that is going to advance and develop aboriginal people and get them ready for the workforce in long-term, meaningful careers. With the ASETS agreement, it is more flexible in terms of working with a broader cross-section of industries, so it's not just one specific industry. For example, the 2,708 job placements that our ASETS has had over the past four years is in all industries, whether it's health, mining, natural gas, energy, construction, transportation, tourism, or hospitality. We have the statistics and data on where each of those 2,708 job placements were.
You can see how any time there is even new industry growth in any particular area, there are going to be subsectors and there's also going to be growth in other sectors. For example, with mining, it is transportation, automatically. We've been able to work with industry in each of those sectors, so I suppose that's why we see ASETS as a shining example in B.C. of what can be done when you're community-based and able then to work with all sectors in a particular community.