Yes, it doesn't work for us either.
There are so many barriers, especially in the city of Toronto where people are coming from the remote areas. They come down here, and it's a culture shock. They don't even have their grade 10 for carpentry.
We're trying to get them upgraded to grade 10, or grade 12, so they can get into a training program. If they get into Toronto, they may get into alcohol problems, drug problems, so we have to get all those things cleaned up before we can do that. If they're homeless, it's even worse, because now we have to get them out of that situation as well, and try to get them in some kind of accommodations.
There are a lot of barriers there. We don't have a lot of money to be able to do that. We're doing our best. We're working with the City of Toronto for the homelessness issues. Especially this winter when it's been so cold all over the place, it's really been tough but our staff has been trying to do it. All the organization has volunteered time to be able to go out and try to find people and take them off the street.
The issue of employment training is always that we have a number of interventions to get to that stage, before they can get employment.