I don't have the numbers across our operations. I can tell you that it varies by operation. At the Voisey's Bay mine, I think 52% of our employees are aboriginal.
Bob, you can tell me what that represents in terms of numbers.
But we almost have an inverse relationship. Our youngest operations have the most mature relationships with aboriginals. At our operations in Ontario that have been mining for 100 years and more, and at our operations in Thompson, Manitoba that have been mining for 60 years, the aboriginal relationship was never given as much focus and consideration in the past, so as we develop new properties.... Last month, we opened up our first mine in Sudbury in 40 years, and we now have an IBA, our first IBA in Sudbury in 100 years of operation. It's a kind of unique inverse relationship, but that IBA does allow for the employment of aboriginals now as a first choice.