Thank you very much.
I want to thank both teams for their presentation. My first round of questioning is going to be directed more towards the Suncor representatives.
I was very impressed with your integrated approach to development in the aboriginal areas and the way you have included businesses and have fostered a very diverse growth in the communities, with your very close links on the ground and your very localized type of development. One of the things that we do know and that we hear over and over again is that when we're working at skills development with our aboriginal communities, the closer to home, the better. Also, it can't be aimed only at skills development that can be used for a short term. There has to be a way of doing that ongoing skills development and also fostering other businesses in the community so that there is sustainability long after.
I also note that you fully see a critical role for ASETS in order to make a link between the businesses and the unemployed and underemployed, which is very critical. As I mentioned earlier, although you don't mention it, there is a lot of work that will need to be done even during the high school years and in the elementary years as well.
One of the questions I wanted to ask you is, do you provide child care? We've heard about the significant need for that if we want to engage more women. What percentage of women do you have amongst your recruits?