I think Fort McMurray is in a unique position, and Suncor isn't alone in our values around addressing the needs of the local aboriginal communities, so we do benefit from that broader perspective. It also creates a challenge in that it can be very competitive. Any company would be here in front of you wanting to discuss some similar goals around making sure they optimize aboriginal employment and that type of thing.
We certainly feel we've had a strong employment history. We've had some very targeted programs over the years to keep that population up. Where I think it's changing now is as we look at our business going forward whether it's at Fort Hills in the mine development or in situ, it really does require some level of post-secondary education. We think the next tranche of very successful employees and contributors is going to come from those aboriginal people who are now taking engineering degrees or technology degrees or getting their 4th class steam ticket.
A lot of our support that we wouldn't have spoken about today is for those institutions and for providing support for those students who want to get their 4th class steam ticket and then get hired at our in situ operation or something along those lines. As our business gets more technical and more complicated, we want that workforce to reflect that, so we now support programs that we might not have 10 or 15 years ago. Athabasca University runs a brilliant program called learning communities that is working—particularly in the Wabasca area right now, but also in northern Alberta with communities—to provide distance post-secondary education. That's a great program that we're considering how to be part of. There's Sunchild e-learning where you can, in a remote community, learn right there in your community and then get ready to go to Keyano College, for example, for a power engineering ticket.
That's where we think the next level is, and that allows us to—back to our first question—then start to have more diversity in the professional ranks and the management ranks, which is one of our goals as well. So it is shifting for sure.