The recommendations are that the post-2015 strategy be funded as a long-term commission as opposed to a five-year incremental funding, that reparations to Ontario and Alberta under FNICCI be made, that reparations to Ontario and Quebec for the flawed decision regarding Canada summer jobs be made, and that we need to ensure that history and cultural knowledge exchange sessions are written into agreements between the regional office staff of Service Canada and the ASETAs.
Finally, on March 25, two days ago, I attended the urban aboriginal strategy session for Ontario hosted by AANDC. There, I learned that AANDC has obtained ongoing funding for the urban strategy and is not having to endure these five-year funding timeframes as the ASETS program does. It really is time to follow their lead. Perhaps the first nation portion of the post-ASETS strategy should be moved from ESDC to AANDC.
It is so ironic that the federal department that was created to serve Indians has recognized ongoing program funding with urban entities with whom they don't have a fiduciary relationship.
Thank you, committee.