I have one quick question.
I coined the phrase and Minister Kenney stole it and uses it quite a bit. It's that some agencies that are supposed to be doing skills development and good training have really become resumé factories, as I call them. Really what they're doing is they're helping people write a resumé, but they're not doing very much to actually train people or retrain people for the jobs that are available in their communities.
It doesn't sound like your agencies are like that. It sounds like, from what you've told us, you have very robust programs in place that you are doing....
What safeguards can we put in the LMDAs when we're working with our friends in the provinces to make sure that the dollars we're investing are going to agencies that are delivering those outcomes that we want, which is real training for the real jobs that are available?
What would you recommend we have to measure those outcomes so that at the federal level, we have some assurances the money is being allocated properly into programs that are actually getting people jobs at the end of the day?