I am involved and I have a colleague with me who spends probably 50% of his time on it. We've actually just started and it's a kick-off. It was to be a private sector-led initiative around figuring out exactly what some of the problems are.
It operates as an online forum for companies to talk about what their specific skills challenges are, as well as either self-identified solutions to some of the challenges they face or coming up with new and innovative ways to address those problems, either as company-led solutions or through government programming and policy changes. It's a pretty open forum. The website is www.sl-lc.ca and there's a nice video of my boss, Jayson Myers, and Minister Kenney telling you why you should go on it and why it's good.
But it is early and it is a good thing just to talk about it in terms of getting ideas from employers of what can go on. The other thing that's important is actually the new and innovative way that government is trying to do consultations with industry on problems that are out there. It's an industry-led consultation and partnership with government, so it's an innovative way to look at problems.