Yes. One example that I'd like to share with you is that we do work very closely as an industry with community colleges, whether it be NATE, Red River College, or Georgian College. We get involved very intimately with those colleges, and in some cases we fund programs specifically at the college system level. The contributions that we are making today are important ones.
We need to do more, absolutely, but you won't find an industry more in line with your thought process where it's an equal responsibility. It's not off-loaded onto community colleges, and it's not off-loaded onto government. It's an opportunity for those parties with a self-interest in this to work together to accomplish that.
I think that's where we have fallen short, Mr. Mayes. We have not done a good enough job to be on the same wavelength, on a consistent basis, to address where the needs really are.
I just want to mention our position, versus my colleague's position, with respect to Ontario. We don't share the same opinion on the need, perhaps, to prop up that one part of the region. We believe there's an urgent need all across the country for us to do more with skilled labour, and that's our focus on a national level.