The example is a specific one, and as for whether or not we see that in our industry, it's difficult for me to comment on that.
But to your point about how employers in general perceive a situation like that, keep in mind that small and medium-sized enterprise tend to make up our membership. These are enterprises or companies that are employing probably 10 to 15 people on average, and include a lot of auto parts stores. Their focus is on how to track the best and the brightest, how to keep them, how to give them ongoing training. I think if as much flexibility as possible can be built in to allow those employers to access specific funds for that, that would be a plus.
Not a lot of my members are thinking about what they have to do if they have to lay off someone. They're living in the moment. They're trying to run a successful business. They're trying to meet the needs of their customers. That's really what's driving their interest in seeing a program that has flexibility.